Welcome to the Website of the Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers

This page will be updated on a daily basis, to provide a convenient news service to scarce & rare birds found within the County Nottinghamshire.

The Sightings page and @Nottsbirders Twitter feed are intended to alert birders to scarcer species that they might be interested in seeing within the County.

Records of more common species are still very important, but should preferably be submitted to the county Recorder Keith Rainford Bullfinch194@gmail.com These records will then be added to the Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers data-base, to be included in the monthly Newsletter and Annual Reports.

None of these reports have been verified or checked by the Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers' Records Committee.



Please report your Latest Sightings to: nottsbirders@gmail.com or @NottsBirders on the Twitter feed.

Please remember to submit all sightings to Keith Rainford Bullfinch194@gmail.com each month, using the Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded from the Recording page.

The Birdwatchers Code of Conduct.

The interests of the bird comes first, please follow the Birdwatchers code of conduct

Archived Sightings 2001 - 2023

Archived Sightings 2001 to 2024

Archived Sightings 2025

Species shown in bold Purple on this page are BBRC rarities or species recorded on less than ten occasions in the county. Bold Blue are rare and scarce county birds recorded less than annually that require a description or supporting details for the society’s archive. A full list of these species can be found on the Recording page. Red are species of interest. Bold Grey are unconfirmed sightings or a species of unknown origin.

Monday 10th February

Misterton Carr - 2 BEWICK'S SWAN [with 300 Whooper Swan, Cornley Road late afternoon].

Southwell - Red Kite, 6 Grey Partridge, 14 Brambling, 4 Fieldfare, 8 Redwing, Meadow Pipit [fields/woodland north-west Southwell, west of Westhorpe 15:00 - 15:45].

Collingham Pits - 7 Curlew [on the northern most pit this afternoon].

Cotgrave - Brambling [several in mixed flock in Sunflower fields, east side of A46, early afternoon].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - GREATER SCAUP [1st-winter drake, still Bardge Channel, this morning], 3 Caspian Gull [2 adults and 1st-winter, Clifton Pit this evening].

Sunday 9th February

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 2 Caspian Gull [adult and 1st-winter], MEDITERRANEAN GULL [1st-winter], 220 Wigeon, 55 Goosander [Clifton Pit, this evening], GREATER SCAUP [1st-winter drake, still Bardge Channel, this morning].

Idle Washlands - Great White Egret, large Starling murmuration [Slaynes Lane].

Misson - 5+ Cattle Egret, Great White Egret [Top Road]. Todays Doncaster Birding

Holme Pierrepont - 4 SMEW [2 adult drakes and 2 redheads, A52, late afternoon], RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE [still Blotts Pit].

Girton - 5 RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GEESE, 6+Pink-footed Geese, several Whooper Swan [Trentside fields, north of Girton Pits, 12:30].

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - 5 WHITE-FRONTED GEESE [Clayworth Common then flew onto the reserve, this morning], 4 Whooper Swan [Clayworth Common], 2 Cattle Egret [Tiln North]

Rufford CP - 4 Hawfinch [Abbey end of Lime Tree Av, Yews near the staff car park 10:00].

Saturday 8th February

Holme Pierrepont - 3 GREATER SCAUP [adult drake, female, 1st-winter drake], 4 SMEW [2 adult drakes and 2 redheads, A52, this morning].

Greater Scaup and Smew - Holme Pierrepont © Alan Clewes.

Attenborough Nature Reserve - GREATER SCAUP [1st-winter drake, still Bardge Channel].

Linby - Little Egret [in Brook by Main Road].

West Bridgford - Red Kite [Compton Acres, mobbed by Crows 10:15].

Rufford CP - 8 Hawfinch [Main car park area, 09:05].

Cuckney - 3 Red Kite [low over Mansfield Road, 07:44].

Friday 7th February

Holme Pierrepont - RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE, 3 GREATER SCAUP [adult drake, female, 1st-winter A52 Pit].

Girton - 5 RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GEESE, 6 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Barnacle Geese, 9 Whooper Swan [sheep fields, late morning].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - GREATER SCAUP [1st-winter drake, still Bardge Channel, 08:45] Caspian Gull [1st-winter, Clifton Pit this evening].

Nott'm City - 12 Redwing [Trent Bridge].

Thursday 6th February

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 2 Caspian Gull [adult and 1st-winter, Clifton Pit late afternoon].

Eakring - 4 Brambling [within mixed finch flock in setaside fields, early afternoon].

Hollinwell Golf Course - c.200 Pink-footed Geese [over in three skeins, late morning

Rufford CP - 4 Hawfinch [Main car park area, 09:20], 11 Goosander, Caspian Gull [2nd-winter on the lake], 2 Marsh Tit

Sutton on Trent - c.350 Pink-footed Geese [over north-west 08:10].

Kilvington Lakes - Pink-footed Geese [two seperate skeins heard going over west in the fog this morning].

Wednesday 5th February

Attenborough Nature Reserve -MEDITERRANEAN GULL [1st-winter, Clifton Pit this evening], Marsh Harrier [male, 6T orange wing taggad quartering the Clifton Pit reed-bed].

1w Mediterranean Gull - Attenborough Nature Reserve © Simon Roberts.

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - 5 WHITE-FRONTED GEESE [Alans Meadow].

Ollerton - 70+Brambling, numerous Chaffinch and Linnet, 3 Stonechat [field opposite the Pump House opposite Whinney Lane].

Welbeck Raptor Watchpoint - 2 Goshawk [from the viewpoint, 11:30].

Kilvington Lakes - Great White Egret, Black-tailed Godwit [flew south-east, East Lake], Oystercatcher, Redshank [West Lake].

Clumber Park - 10+Hawfinch [trees east of the Chapel, 10:30].

Girton - 5 RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GEESE [fields north of Sailing Lake, this morning].

Worksop - Ring-necked Parakeet [around Morrisons, this morning].

Carburton - Great White Egret [Upper Lake, 08:20].

Holme Pierrepont - SMEW [redhead, Blotts Pit 08:00].

Rufford CP - 20+ Hawfinch [Main car park area, 07:50].

Tuesday 4th February

Attenborough Nature Reserve - GREATER SCAUP [1st-winter drake, still Bardge Channel, mid-morning] Caspian Gull [3rd-winter, Clifton Pit], 2 Shelduck, 2 Oystercatcher, 3 Great White Egret.

Cotgrave CP - Water Rail [calling from Kingfisher Pond, 13:20], 2 Raven, Buzzard, Kestrel, Red Kite.

Blidworth - Red Kite [near Haywood Oaks, 13:20].

Bulwell - 2 Goosander [River Leen, between Cinderhill and the bridge].

Monday 3rd February

Holme Pierrepont - Oystercatcher, Marsh Harrier [Blotts Pit, this afternoon].

Kilvington Lakes - JACK SNIPE [West Lake, early afternoon]; also Great White Egret.

Ollerton - 70+Brambling, 150+Chaffinch, 350+Linnet, 5 Lesser Redpoll, Little Egret, Grey Wagtail [corn field opposite Pump House Whinney Lane, late morning].

Collingham Pits - 5 Pintail [Ferry Farm Lake].

Clumber Park - 2 Hawfinch [east of the chapel, 11:10], Great White Egret, 3 LBBG.

Rufford CP - 18 Hawfinch [five from the main car park, three near the childrens play area 10:00; Ten from Broard Rise to Ice House 10:45]; also 7 Goosander, Teal, Marsh Tit.

Girton - 5 RUSSIAN WHITE-FRONTED GEESE [Trentside fields c.1000m north of Sailing Lake, this morning], 2 Pintail, Marsh Harrier [Spalford Pit].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - Oystercatcher [river path, 08:00].

Sunday 2nd February

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - 5 WHITE-FRONTED GEESE [Alans Meadow], 3 Cattle Egret [Walters Farm], BITTERN [flew over Neatholme Fen], Marsh Harrier [Neatholme Lane], 7 Red-crested Pochard [Linghurst Lake], Great White Egret [singles on Cross Lane Fishery/Neatholme Pit/Neatholme Fen, two Chainbridge Scrape West], 2 Oystercatcher [Bellmoor Lake], 70 Lapwing [Clayworth Common].

Clumber Park - 2 Hawfinch [trees north-east of the Chapel, 14:48].

Mansfield - Whooper Swan [still Reed Mill Pond, this afternoon].

Ollerton - Raven [aerial dual with Common Buzzard, midday].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - GREATER SCAUP [1st-winter drake, still Bardge Channel, late morning], 2 Pintail [drakes], Caspian Gull [2nd-winter, Clifton Pit this evening].

Wollaton - Water Rail [Martin's Pond, mid-morning].

Langford Lowfields - Cattle Egret [Phase Two, this morning].

Saturday 1st February

Netherfield Lagoons - Caspian Gull [1st-winter, Deep Pit, this afternoon], Curlew [over calling], Little Egret, 6 Chiffchaff, Grey Wagtail [Ouse Dyke]; also 2 Shoveler, Goldeneye, Green Woodpecker.

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - 5 WHITE-FRONTED GEESE [Alans Meadow, midday], BRENT GOOSE [heard in flight].

Idle Washlands - 9 Cattle Egret [Misson, Top Road]; c.60 Pink-footed Geese, 5 Whooper Swan, c.75 Mute Swan [in/around flooded fields], c.40 Pintail, Great White Egret, 8+Raven, 3 BEARDED TIT [ moving east along phragmites bed near River Lane], Chiffchaff [Misson to Idlestop]; Caspian Gull [sub-adult], 2 Great White Egret, 2 Stonechat [Slaynes Lane]. Todays Doncaster Birding

Gringley Carr - Great White Egret, Kestrel, Common Buzzard, 15 Fieldfare, CORN BUNTING [late morning].

Clumber Park - 22 Hawfinch [trees north-east of the Chapel, this morning].

Rufford CP - 4 Hawfinch [from the main car park area, this morning].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - GREATER SCAUP [1st-winter drake, still Bardge Channel, early morning], Caspian Gull [1st-winter, still Clifton Pit].

Bilbrough - 2 Ring-necked Parakeet [Strelley Rd/Bilbrough Rd junction].

Stapleford - 3 Mandarin [Cook's Pond, 08:30].

Many thanks to:

Wendy Ambler, Gary Barber, Andrew Barks, Merv Bartle, Graham Beeley, Robin Brace, Phil Burnham, Phil Burrill, Paul Buxton, Robert Carr, Alan Clewes, Ian Cowgill, Nick Crouch, Mark Dawson, Ray Dupont, David Elliott, Mike Feely, Patricia Ford, Ade Fox, Julian Henderson, Gary Hobson, Paul Hobson, Colin Huges, Pat Jennings, Roger Key, Andy Lane, Bob McEwen, Kamala Mueller, Andrew Przeslak, Simon Roberts, Alan Scrimshaw, Lee Scudder, Alfie Seastron, Simon Sharpe, Daniel Shaw, Andy Shooter, Richard Stanton, Edmund Staunton, Mark Wilde, Mike Ambler.

Notts Rare and Scarce Whatapp Group, Lound Whatapp Group, Idle Washlands Whatapp Group, @NottsBirders Twitter Feed, RSPB Langford Lowfields, Netherfield Wildlife Group, Doncaster Birding.


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