Welcome to the website of the Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers.
The Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers is a registered charity with membership open to all.
The society aims to promote an interest in birds in Nottinghamshire. We are a friendly group for anybody interested in wild birds, living in, or visiting, Nottinghamshire, irrespective of their level of knowledge, experience or skill.
The society is administered by Nottinghamshire birdwatchers for Nottinghamshire birdwatchers.
The society organises local guided walks and trips to birdwatching areas further afield. Communication is by this website, Twitter and by the newsletter that is published on a monthly basis. Membership is open to everyone from experts to beginners.
We are also especially keen to attract younger members to the society, and offer 21yrs and under members the opportunity of funding towards training or attending an event to help improve skills.
Dates For The Diary.
Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers AGM.
Thursday 27th March 19.30 at the Poppy and Pint, Pierrepont Road, Lady Bay, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5DX
This will be short business meeting, followed by a gathering to award the prizes for the Three Counties New Year’s Day 2025 Bird Race.
The meeting is in the upstairs function room.
Further information HERE
The Birds of Nottinghamshire Annual Report for 2021
Published January 2025

Review of 2021 - Jason Reece
Systematic List for 2021
Species Accounts - Various authors
The Nottinghamshire List - Jason Reece
First and last dates for migrants - Jason Reece
County Rarities and Scarcities - Jason Reece
Black-winged Pratincole at Annesley Pit Top - Paul Naylor
Bonaparte's Gull at Holme Pierrepont - Alan Clewes
Two-barred Crossbill at Thoresby Pit Top - Indy Kiemel Greene
Nottinghamshire Ringing Reports 2020 - Various authors
The latest Annual report is free to society members as part of their annual subscription.
Join HERE to receive your copy.
Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers Historical Records.
Keith Rainford is currently extracting Historical Records from 1000's of old card records from 1950 - 1997.
So far 36 species have been typed up to Excel spreadsheets.
Further Historical Records will be updated to the website as Keith adds additional species records onto Excel spreadsheets.
The work in progress can be viewed HERE.
New members can send a cheque for £14 to Mrs Lynne Demaine 33 Daleside, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3QN. Cheques made payable to Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers.
COMPUTER BANKING: New members who bank online can pay their subs directly into the club’s bank account, using these details:- Bank: HSBC Sort code: 40-35-18 Account: Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers Account Number: 60814911 Please put your name on the transfer!
If you do not intend to re-join, please let Lynne know, thank you!
The Status of Birds in Nottinghamshire - Jason Reece
Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers have a limited number of this excellent book, for the special offer price of £5.00 plus postage and packing.
The book includes an introduction to the birds of Nottinghamshire, that summarises the status of each species which has been recorded in the county up to 2007.
Special offer price of £5.00 plus postage and packing.
To get your copy whilst stocks last please email Jenny Swindells

Grants for Young Birders
The committee would like to offer a number of young birders the opportunity of funding towards training or attending an event to help improve their
skills. Examples of the type of training/event we consider as eligible for funding
• Attendance on a taught training course
• A visit/stay at a bird observatory
• Volunteering to help with bird surveying or conservation work
• Attending a bird conference
These are examples and others can be considered. We have decided to
set an overall budget of £200 for the first year. So, depending on interest, it
could be that there is a contribution by Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers towards
the cost, which can include travel.
Eligible members interested in applying for funding should do so by
emailing the Chairman, Neil Glenn with details. The criteria for eligibility are:
• Applicant is 21 or under
• Applicant is a current member of Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers
• Details of cost will be provided
• Upon completion of the course/event, a short article will be written for
publication in the newsletter
When applying, please allow adequate time before the training event for
a decision to be made by the committee.
Also, if you are a young birder and have suggestions of what we can do
to help further please do let us know.
• Upon completion of the course/event, a short article will be written for publication in the - newsletter..