Main Gallery Page
All submissions of Nottinghamshire bird photos are submitted under the condition that we may use them (with the relevant credit) in our Annual Reports.
With most images you can click to get a larger version. Please note that some of these images can be quite large and if you are accessing the internet through a standard modem they may take a while to download.
If anybody has any photos of Nottinghamshire birds, that they would like to be displayed in these galleries then please e-mail them to: Rob Hoare
Please remember to supply the location and month/year that the picture was taken.
Thanks to the photographers who have contributed the photos, copyright remains with them. If you want to contact any of them, you will find their
email addresses at the bottom of this page
Latest Images 2022
Latest Images 2021
Latest Images 2020
Latest Images 2019
Latest Images 2018
2017 Gallery
2016 Gallery
Rare Birds of Nott'm
Divers to Grebes
8 Galleries
Fulmar to Shag
5 Galleries
Herons, Storks, Ibis and Crane
11 Galleries
Swans to Geese
10 Galleries
32 Galleries

Birds of Prey & Owls
20 Galleries

Gamebirds to Coot
8 Galleries

40 Galleries

Skuas, Gulls & Terns
20 Galleries

Auks to Cuckoo
8 Galleries

Nightjar to Woodpeckers
9 Galleries

Larks, Hirundines, Pipits & Wagtails
14 Galleries

Waxwings, Dipper, Chats & Thrushes
17 Galleries

Warblers, Crests & Wren
19 Galleries

Flycatchers, Tits & Shrikes
15 Galleries

Crows, Starlings & Sparrows
10 Galleries

Finches & Buntings
Thanks to the following photographers who have contributed the website.
Jamie MacArthur, Robin Brace, Dean Nicholson, Lynne Demaine, Darren Chapman, Ray Hall, Simon Richardson ,Rob Hoare, Iain Leach
John Dickenson, Philip Millns, Graham Gamble, Graham Catley, Kevin Hawkridge, Andy Mason, John Farrell