Skuas, Gulls and Terns Gallery
All submissions of Nottinghamshire bird photos are submitted under the condition that we may use them (with the relevant credit) in our Annual Reports.
With most images you can click to get a larger version. Please note that some of these images can be quite large and if you are accessing the internet through a standard modem they may take a while to download.
If anybody has any photos of Nottinghamshire birds, that they would like to be displayed in these galleries then please e-mail them to: Rob Hoare
Please remember to supply the location and month/year that the picture was taken.
Thanks to the photographers who have contributed the photos, copyright remains with them. If you want to contact any of them, you will find their
email addresses on the Gallery Home page
Azorean Yellow-legged Gull
Holme Pierrepont
November 2015
©Dave Roberts
Azorean Yellow-legged Gull
Holme Pierrepont
November 2015
©Dave Roberts
Azorean Yellow-legged Gull
Kilvington Lakes
November 2015
©Dave Roberts
Azorean Yellow-legged Gull
Kilvington Lakes
October 2015
©Colin Scott
Azorean Yellow-legged Gull
Kilvington Lakes
October 2015
©Colin Scott
Azorean Yellow-legged Gull
Kilvington Lakes
October 2015
©Colin Scott
Azorean Yellow-legged Gull
Kilvington Lakes
October 2015
©Colin Scott
Azorean Yellow-legged Gull
Kilvington Lakes
October 2015
©Colin Scott
Adult Yellow-legged Gull
Spalford Pig fields
June 2015
©Dean Nicholson
1s Yellow-legged Gull
Spalford Pig fields
June 2015
©Dean Nicholson
2w Yellow-legged Gull
Spalford Pit
November 2014
©Dean Nicholson
2w Yellow-legged Gull
Spalford Pit
November 2014
©Dean Nicholson
2w Yellow-legged Gull
Spalford Pit
November 2014
©Dean Nicholson
Adult Yellow-legged Gull
Spalford Pit
October 2014
©Dean Nicholson
1w Yellow-legged Gull
Spalford Pit
October 2014
©Dean Nicholson
2w Yellow-legged Gull
Spalford Pit
October 2014
©Dean Nicholson
3w Yellow-legged Gull
Spalford Pit
October 2014
©Dean Nicholson
Yellow-legged Gull
August 2011
©Bob Pacey
Yellow-legged Gull
August 2011
©Bob Pacey
Adult Yellow-legged Gull
Attenborough Nature Reserve
July 2005
©Dave Jones
Adult Yellow-legged Gull
Netherfield Lagoons
October 2003